زودیاک و طالع بینی

What Is Your Mobile Phone Security Index?


How do you unlock your phone?


Do you use two-factor authentication (2FA) for your accounts?


What’s your Wi-Fi connection behavior?


How often do you update your phone’s software?


Your approach to downloading apps is…


What do you do if you lose your phone?


How many suspicious links have you clicked in the last year?

نتیجه برای شما
The Cyber Fortress
Your phone security is top-notch! Hackers have nightmares about trying to break into your device. With strong passwords, constant updates, and 2FA, your digital presence is practically impenetrable. Keep up the good work!
به اشتراک بگذارید
نتیجه برای شما
The Responsible User
You’ve got decent phone security, but there’s room for improvement. You follow best practices most of the time, but every now and then, you take a risk. Stay alert, and you’ll be just fine.
به اشتراک بگذارید
نتیجه برای شما
The Risk Taker
You live life on the edge, clicking on links and connecting to random Wi-Fi like nothing could go wrong. Your security isn’t terrible, but you might want to rethink some of your choices before your phone turns against you.
به اشتراک بگذارید
نتیجه برای شما
The Walking Cyber Disaster
Your phone is basically an all-you-can-eat buffet for hackers. You might already have five different malware programs running in the background. Time to step up your security before you end up starring in a "My Identity Got Stolen" documentary.
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