What Is Your Ex Doing Now?


Are you following your ex on any social networks at the moment?


How do you feel about your previous relationship with your ex right now?


What would be your first reaction if your ex suddenly reached out to you?


How would you describe your ex's actions since your separation?


How soon did your ex move on to a new relationship post-breakup?


How do your mutual friends feel about your ex lately?

Result For You
Your ex is still struggling with the breakup.
They haven’t fully moved on and might be dealing with unresolved emotions. Whether they’re angry, sad, or confused, they’re not quite at peace with how things ended yet.
Result For You
Your ex is living their best life.
They’ve moved on and are likely happy, focusing on new relationships or exciting adventures. They seem to have found peace after the breakup and are thriving in their own way.
Result For You
Your ex is keeping busy with distractions.
They may not have fully healed, but they’re throwing themselves into work, hobbies, or social activities to keep their mind off things. They’re coping, but they’re not completely over the past.
Result For You
Your ex is taking time to focus on themselves.
They’re healing, growing, and may be working on personal goals like career or self-improvement. While they’re not in a rush to move on, they’re using this time to better themselves.
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