Is Your Crush Actually Meant For You?


How often do you and your crush engage in conversations or text each other?


What is your crush's behavior when it's just the two of you hanging out?


How would you describe your crush's current romantic status?


What is your go-to method for showing someone you have feelings for them?


How do you feel when you think about your crush?


What feelings do you experience when you think about a future with your crush?

Result For You
The connection you feel is real and mutual.
There’s a solid foundation for something special to grow between you two, and the future looks bright!
Result For You
Unfortunately, your crush is likely not meant for you.
The lack of interest or connection suggests that it may be time to move on and focus on finding someone who truly values you and makes you feel special.
Result For You
There’s potential, but it might need more time.
You and your crush have chemistry, but it’s not yet clear if it will lead to something long-term. Give it time and see how things develop naturally.
Result For You
Your crush might not be the best match for you.
While you have some feelings for them, the relationship doesn’t seem to have the solid footing needed to grow. Consider if this is really what you want.
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